Polycom IP321, IP331 and IP335 User Guide

Basic Use


Call Forward

  • To forward your phone to another number pick up the handset and dial *72
  • Follow the voice instructions.
  • To cancel the forward pick up the handset and dial *73.

Call Forward on Busy

  • To forward to another phone when you are busy pickup the handset and dial *90 Follow the voice instructions
  • To cancel Call forward on busy pick up the handset and dial *91

Call Pickup

  • To pickup another ringing phone dial *98 and pickup the handset

Call Transfer

  • To transfer a call, press the Trans soft key. Enter the number to which you want to transfer the call and press the Dial key, as soon as the ringtone is heard or after the party answers, press Trans to complete the transfer

Call Transfer to Voicemail

  • To transfer a call direct to voicemail, press the Trans soft key. Enter *55 followed by the number to which you want to transfer the call and press the Dial key, as soon as the ringtone is heard or after the party answers, press Trans to complete the transfer 




(To access voicemail you will need your voicemail password, which will be a six digit number, this will be supplied by Bimotech)
To access your voicemail from your own phone dial your extension number, or *62
Enter your password followed by #
The first time you use voicemail you will be asked to change your password and enter your greeting, once this is complete you can use your voicemail
To access your voicemail from a different extension dial *62 and follow the voice instructions. Once logged in you will be presented with the Voicemail Messaging Menu that includes:
Dial One – Play Messages
Dial Two – Change Busy Greeting
Dial Three – Change No Answer Greeting Dial Five – Compose Message
Dial Seven – Delete All Messages
Dial * - Return to the Menu
Dial # - Repeat the options 


Restarting your Phone


Occasionally you will be asked to reboot your telephone in order to update features.

To reboot your phone Press MENU
Dial 3
Dial 1

Dial 4
Then select YES

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